Daxsi Indie Books

We’re Not Your Grandma’s Publishing House!

This is how it all started…

Hugo, a self-proclaimed red wine aficionado, got a bit tipsy one evening and had a brilliant idea: why not start a blog to showcase his latest literary masterpiece? However, amidst sipping his Merlot, he quickly realized the labyrinthine maze of platforms like Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and more, left him feeling like he’d stumbled into a digital jungle.

Then, it dawned on him.

Between deciphering the intricacies of reaching his readers and actually, you know, writing, Hugo found himself in a pickle. Who has time to churn out blog posts when the wine’s not going to pour itself?

Enter Team Daxsi. Cue the hero music. We’re basically the Justice League of Hugo Smienk’s literary world. Sure, Hugo’s still the captain of this ship, but scattered across the globe, his trusty band of pals swoops in whenever the plot thickens, offering sage advice on navigating the treacherous waters of Indie Book Publishing.

So, what’s cooking on this site?

Don’t hold your breath for daily updates; we’re not the New York Times. But Hugo promises to sprinkle some wisdom on publishing here and there. Who knows? You might just pick up a trick or two. Oh, and if you’re curious about the literary muses who’ve shaped Hugo’s writing, we’ve got you covered. We kicked things off with a hilarious interview to set the tone.

Thanks for stopping by, and just so you know, Hugo’s as accessible as your favorite bookmark. Got a burning question? Need a literary lifeline? He’s your guy.

But hey, don’t take our word for it. Dive into “The Broken Traveler” and see for yourself. Hugo’s the real deal.

Team Daxsi, signing off (until the next plot twist).

Our Mascotte

Team Daxsi – Tipsy Editors

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