Daxsi Indie Books

We’re Not Your Grandma’s Publishing House!

Big News

Massive Sale!

For the Amazon USA, we will sell the book from May 18th for only $ 0.99
This Action is running for a full week. Grab your eBook then.

Another Spectacular Action like this will be running on Amazon.co.uk
Start date there is May the 24th

And yes, even there we take a beating on the price for a full week you can get your book for £ 0.99

The Broken Traveler, Yours for almost nothing during our Super Sales Weeks.

Catch you later!

Team Daxsi

Attention, dear readers,
We find ourselves at the genesis of a remarkable journey. How delightful it is to be part of such a beginning!

With sincere conviction, we believe The Broken Traveler will find its place among the bestsellers.
Consider the thirteen-year evolution of this story, marked by countless tears, revisions, and edits, culminating in a book that promises to bring brightness to your days.

Come, join us on this adventure’s path, and please don’t hesitate to share this journey with friends and fellow life travelers.