Daxsi Indie Books

We’re Not Your Grandma’s Publishing House!


Meet Our Indie Book Publishing Partners!

Partners are the unsung heroes in the world of Indie Book Publishing. They’re the ones who help get your brilliant story out there, stepping into the shoes of traditional publishers and making magic happen.

Below, you’ll find our esteemed “partners.” Click on any of them, and voila! You’ll discover the book we’re currently championing.

But here’s the kicker – working with these partners isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. Nope, it involves a hefty workload, potential promotional material, and yes, a not-so-friendly learning curve. Oh, and let’s not forget about the cash – it’s like trying to keep your wallet from doing a disappearing act!

So, let’s talk about Barnes & Noble. We’ve got a soft spot for their page layout, and Hugo couldn’t resist diving into their advertising possibilities. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t as easy as ordering a pizza. We’ve had some chats on Facebook, sent a few messages, but it seems like our ship got stuck in the Bermuda Triangle of promotion.

Now, onto our main squeezes – Amazon and IngramSpark. We’re singing praises to Amazon like it’s the latest chart-topper, and IngramSpark? Well, they offered us a spot in a magazine that supposedly reaches every bookseller and librarian in town. Hugo splashed out $150 quicker than you can say “bestseller,” but guess what? Zero sales. Nada.

Lesson learned: timing is everything. Don’t dive into partnerships until you’ve got a mountain of reviews, sales, maybe even a contest win or two up your sleeve.

So, how do we make it work, you ask? Well, we’re like Sherlock Holmes with a magnifying glass. We’ve given away a hundred free Kindle copies on Goodreads, teamed up with another review sell-collector-promising-site, all in pursuit of those precious reviews.

And speaking of reviews, we snagged one from Reedsy.com – the ultimate authority in the book world. Wanna check it out?

Just click the Reedsy link below and prepare to be blown away.

Team Daxsi all about navigating the wild ride of Indie publishing with a healthy dose of humor. So, strap in, hold onto your hats, and let’s embark on this adventure together!



Barnes & Noble





All links above hopefully give you an idea of how a listing on their site looks or provides you with information about companies we work with. We like to think that you’ll trust our judgment on this. Nevertheless, all collaborations are subject to change. Put simply, if they no longer serve our purpose, we cut ties and move on.

Any questions? Let us now!

Good Luck – Team Daxsi

PS Note that all links showing are helpful to read or discover publishing information.